Monday, November 3, 2008

Hi Everyone!
The Christensen family has had a few very busy and productive weeks. Anne came to visit for two weeks and she reminded me that it is nice to keep in touch more often so we know what is going on with everyone. I agree. So here is my new attempt at sending news every week. Sometimes I think life is so busy that it is a miracle that we just get through every weeks activities let alone record them, but my memory is so awful that if I don’t record them I’ll get to the end of this life and wonder what I did with all my time! I just want all of our family members and friends to know how much I love you all.

Anne flew in on the 17th of October and we took her to Orem where we were helping Stacy put a new roof on her house. Stacy, her boys, Mom and Matt had already been working on it for a couple of days taking the old roof off. They actually ended up taking two roofs off. We helped on Friday night with the demolition and then Saturday we laid new OSB, tar paper and put the shingles on. It is really satisfying and rewarding to do something like that. We were putting on the last ridge shingles in the dark on Saturday night. Unfortunately we didn’t get the fascia done and Stacy had to finish that on Monday. Eliza and Sam came and helped us too and Beka and Eric came Saturday afternoon. It was fun to have everyone there on the roof.

The fall leaves in Utah were still pretty so after church (We attended Rachael and Rob’s ward to watch their cute little baby, Jack be blessed.) on Sunday we drove up to Aspen Grove and hiked the Timpanogos trail up to the falls.

The Rodabough’s get together for Sunday dinner every month and we were lucky enough to get to go. It was a Halloween dress up dinner at Mom’s and with the help of Stacy’s wonderful costumes, we were all decked out for the party. It was so much fun to see everyone, especially the little kids in their cute costumes. Nita made Taco bowls and the food was wonderful. We played games that Maureen brought and we visited and looked through photo albums.

The kids have been doing great in school. The quarter ended last week and we went to parent teacher conferences. All of the kids are doing well in school. I appreciate how diligent they are in their studies and that they are honest. Grandpa and Grandma C. teach Maxwell’s Sunday school class and the lesson this week was on honesty. They learned that there is a lot of cheating that goes on in school. I’m glad that my children are committed to being honest and good students. David really enjoyed visiting with the teachers. It is fun to know them personally and to have them like and enjoy our kids so much. Mr. Roper can’t wait to have another one of “those optimistic Christensens” in his class next year.

We decided to take a mini-vacation last week. The kids were out of school because of parent teacher conferences and Anne was here so we decided to go hiking in Zion National Park. I missed the hike the youth did this last summer because I was so involved with the youth cultural celebration. We drove there on Friday, picking up Sam and Eliza on the way. We did a few of the shorter hikes that evening. Saturday morning we headed up Angel’s Landing. (Abi’s good friend, Liz, and her parents met us at the parking lot and we hiked with them all day. They moved to Page Arizona over the summer. It was great to see them and visit.) Angel’s Landing is such a beautiful hike. It is quite exposed as you hike a narrow ridge, holding on to chains that have been bolted into the rocks. We saw two California Condors catching the air drafts and flying over the trail below us. The birds were as big as people and absolutely beautiful. The top was breathtaking. We sang “Nearer My God to Thee” which seemed appropriate especially the part about “. . . Angels to beckon me.” David had a great time visiting with all of the foreigners on the trails. There were several Germans and a really sweet Scottish man and his new wife. That afternoon we headed to the Narrows trail head. This hike is in the bottom of a very narrow canyon and you have to hike through the water the whole way. The water temperature that day was only 47 degrees. We put on our water shoes and headed up the trail. I was only able to cross three times and I decided it was way to cold for me. By the time I had picked my way across, me feet were hurting so badly I couldn’t move. Everyone else went on and Max and Sam made it to where the canyon forks. It was a great trip. The fall colors were amazing and the canyon was wonderful. I would like to go and spend a week hiking. Zion National Park has a great shuttle service and you can get anywhere in the park so easily. It is a ‘must do.’
We visited the orthodontist this week too. Madi, Kelsey and Max all need braces. Kelsey has been to the dentist twice since then to have teeth filled and a crown. I told her she is now officially a princess because she has a real crown! She has had a sore mouth, but it is getting better. Now we need to orthodontist to decide which teeth to pull out and she’ll be ready for braces.

The girls had a soccer party here at the house on Monday afternoon. They have so many good friends on the soccer team it was fun to get to know them. They ate and played games and watched a movie.

Wednesday was the ward Harvest Banquet. I enjoyed visiting with Nan Johnson, Linda Barney, Carrie Burton and several other people. David and I are serving in the nursery and sometimes we feel like we are in a complete information vacuum. It was nice to catch up on the news with people. The High Priests and Elders put on a skit of Snow White. Bobby Worthington has a saved head and they put big ears on him to dress him up as Dopey. I will never be able to look at him the same way again! It was great!

Friday David and I took Anne to the Airport in Salt Lake for her flight home. We had a great visit with her on the way there. Now I guess it is our turn to go visit her. At the airport I was wishing I could go with her and meet her parents and see what her life is like in Germany. She is such a blessing and a joy to us and we are so glad she is a part of our family now.

I hope you all have a great week this week. The next letter should be a lot shorter because I’m going to try to do this every week. Hugs and kisses until next time!


Ray and Donna Hamblin said...

Hooray! I'm the first to get a comment on your blog, how about that?
Loved hearing about your family and your adventures (& pictures too). We have been trying to keep in touch with our kids w/blogging too. In case you don't know ours is and some of the kids have theirs linked to ours. If you haven't kept up on them, it will boggle your mind and you could spend hrs. just blogging. Needless to say, we can't do that very much.
Will try and check in on yours now and then to keep up with your rapidly growing family -- and from now on it will be expanding and scattering rapidly, I promise you.
Our Love, Aunt Donna & Uncle Ray

Brenlyn said...

You sure have exciting lives! Thanks for the update!

Kristi said...

Kim, your kids are all grown up and you just have a neat, neat glad Kelsey is there too, fun to see pictures and know what's going on over there by the river! love you guys! Call us when you get over this way, k? We saw Beca in Walmart the other day...that was cool!

Madisen said...

Wow mom you need to update your blog. Just sayin'